Saturday, July 25, 2009

Of Fraser's Hill & Hot-Spring

This post is just a follow up for the earlier post. Look's like I can't torture Alia about there being no Pictures of ME, rite, so with out further ado, I give you the rest of the pictures for this fantastic, yet ridiculously planed trip, enjoy.

Fraser's Hill
Can't help but wonder... Why does Ivan look as if he's about to throw Haze over? Or does he just wanna beat up the cameraman?? (That's me)

This is not what it looks like, I swear, I let Ivan and Haze do this to me on purpose, the strong should not bully the weak.. honest, just being a role-model and setting a good example for kids, tis really is true, BELIEVE ME!!

A game Ivan & I tried out, just to pass the time. First person to get the his passenger pushed of the swing and into the river wins.. ha~ha... fortunately no one was hurt... not really

Dam~Dam~Dam~De~De~Dam~De~De~Dam... trying to make it sound like the intro to LOTR
Anyway, here's a rather confusing pic, two people, dressed exactly alike, striking the same pose... what could it BE? A LOVERS QUARREL?? OR A CONFESSION OF LOVE???

The Hot-Spring

And next we have the happenings at the hot spring, as I said in the previous post, nothing much happened here, just us chilling out and having ourselves a good time.
Yup, there's just 4 of us here, Alia was the person taking the picture, also she was not to keen to jump into the water, said it was too hot or something.. sigh makes her sound like a cat... Meow. What's more Haze seems to be looking at Mel with this perverted old geezer look.. what with those eyes of his?? he~he~he

Lookey here, at last a decent photo of Me, with Alia, well Alia, due to the fact you managed to get such a nice photo, your forgiven ;p remind to treat you, but even if you don't remember it' OK.

So that's all folks, hope you enjoyed this post. Also if you wanna do the same thing we did, it's pretty doable. 

If you have any questions on how much or what's the best time, I think you should figure that one out yourselves.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where Have All The Ponies Gone?

Finally, I get to release a post of mine that has been long pending, it's been sitting here and collecting dust for ages. 

If you are wondering why that is so, well I'm not saying that I blame anybody, but somebody, and again not blaming anybody, by the name of Alia, forgot to provide me with the pictures for the trip. Again not blaming.

Anyway, the story takes place a long~long time ago, in a rather dull and boring place called Selangor, ok, ok, ok, I get it,
I'm spouting nonsense again. 

So, to cut a long story short, my buddy Alia wanted to go ride ponies, so I thought what the heck, it' d be a great idea for a get away from all this crazy boredom that was threatening to drive me insane.

So I put together a crew of unwilling mortals, I think they were most willing at first, but only became unwilling, and disheartened once we reached Frasers. I'll tell you WHY. Not blaming again. But some
one forgot to do their homework about the place they were going too, and it ended up that Frasers was having a major overhaul. More like make over, oh what the hell. 

To cut this tediously long story short, there were no Ponies. Sooo, we had to find other ways to amuse ourselves...

We Started out by posing.

Which Was Followed by More Posing.. Am Still wondering what's the secret with Haze and Alia?
Same pose, same look... even cloth's color scheme almost the same.. Suspicious indeed... 
Could this be what people call DESTINY??

And Then Even More Posing...
Why's Haze in the Mid??? Look's like a scene from the God Father

Aaand Finally, We lost It... Our Marbles that is..
Mellisa, our modern day Jeanne D'Arc, who sacrificed her dignity so that we might live-out this boredom...

Oh well, but all in all it was an enjoyable trip with much fun & laughter, After that we traveled down to the hot-springs but unfortunately I don't seem to have any photos for that.

The only interesting things that happened there was Mellisa trying to turn herself into a hard-boiled egg, not a pretty sight I assure you.

Behold, the only hot-springs picture I could get my hands on. Whatever happened to Ivan, Haze and Myself? ALIA... you'd better have a good explanation for this. 

Sigh~ Where's my Pic? 

This is US... or more like Ivan after a hard day's worth of play... he~he~he... Ain't He Cute :3