Don't ask me why any sane person would try this, but then again there are many guy's out there desperate to get away from their girlfriend's (I personally think guys resort to this when a relationship has lost its appeal and they want out... don't we all, sometimes that is).
Warning/A word to the wise, some of these tips can have the opposite effect on a girl who, who for example, likes to "work things out" or treats relationship dysfunctions as personal projects. You have been warned, so on to number 1.
(BTW, if the person reading this POST happens to be female, no I do not hate the opposite sex, I am very much attracted to the opposite sex, I do not have issues, and in fact I'm right now INVOLVED in a relation ship with a member of the opposite sex... SO THERE...)
Moving on,
Warning/A word to the wise, some of these tips can have the opposite effect on a girl who, who for example, likes to "work things out" or treats relationship dysfunctions as personal projects. You have been warned, so on to number 1.
(BTW, if the person reading this POST happens to be female, no I do not hate the opposite sex, I am very much attracted to the opposite sex, I do not have issues, and in fact I'm right now INVOLVED in a relation ship with a member of the opposite sex... SO THERE...)
Moving on,
Number 1:
Hang out with her girl friends.
Most women are highly competitive when it comes to men.
Get her girlfriends involved and it spells real trouble, start spending more time with them, go to their houses and bring them gifts, watch movies together and so on.
Then tell your girlfriend you find them attractive. Or better yet, compliment her friends in ways you never complimented her.
As reinforcement, you can look at her girlfriends in her presence. Make it obvious by really turning your head, staring at her girlfriends, then mention how hot 1 of them or all of them are.
Warning this could some times result into a blood bath.
Number 2:
Let yourself go.
Stop caring about your appearance for a while. Become a slob by not shaving, combing your hair or changing your clothes for a few days.
Also, dismiss proper etiquette when around her. Burp and fart to your heart's content, and don't excuse yourself. Pick your nose and wipe it on your shirt. When you go out with her, wear that same shirt.
This will tell her that you no longer care to keep yourself attractive for her. She'll likely be embarrassed to be seen with you and call it quits.
Note, I don’t think I could live with my self after this, also remember all girl’s/ some girls can be very vicious, a few well placed gossips/ rumors about your last few days with her could ruin any chances you had with any of her friends, if you had any in mind.
Number 3:
Be a bad date.
If your girl is the type that likes to go out a lot, don't take her out anymore. Stay at home and watch sports or play video games. For an extra kick, make dates with her but don't show up.
Hang out with your friends instead.You can also become a cheapskate. Don't spend money on her, or buy her little gifts. If you go out, ask her to foot the bill every time.
When your girl sees that she's no longer worth your time and income, she'll get the idea pretty quick.
Then again there are those who come to convince them self’s moneys not everything, a bit of a problem, but that’s what the other options are for.
Number 4:
Become what women "want".
Here's a nice exercise in observing feminine nature. Suddenly become a "nice guy." Be the sensitive, caring man women are always longing for. But this time, overdo it.
Always tell her you love her, say, 10 times a day. Pick her up at work and stay glued to her. Become a pushover and always do as she says, speaking to her in a cute baby voice.If you can do it, cry. Share your "feelings" with her, making up exaggerated yet believable sentiments. Call her every 20 minutes.
In essence, stifle her space with your mushy, intolerable lack of masculinity. She'll be desperate for a real man in no time.
Yet I fell sorry for any man who tries this, it may leave him with mental and emotional scars, just saying.
Number 5:
Bring out the kink.
Sex is a critical part of many relationships, so sabotage it.
Be entirely selfish in bed. Don't wait for her to climax, and don't cuddle with her when you do. Simply have sex with her, get dressed, and evacuate the premises.
A good technique is to ask her to indulge your sexual fantasies. Propose a threesome with another chick. The closer she is to your girlfriend, the better.
However, watch out for the George Costanza effect, where she might actually take you up on it.
Better yet, "reveal" a perverse sexual taste, like dressing up in drag or receiving golden showers. This new side of you will certainly make her wonder if you're the one.
I do not recommend this for people who are below 18 of age, then again I don't recommend this unless your ready to celebrate fathers day, you never know, safe is not always safe, just saying.
Hang out with her girl friends.
Most women are highly competitive when it comes to men.
Get her girlfriends involved and it spells real trouble, start spending more time with them, go to their houses and bring them gifts, watch movies together and so on.
Then tell your girlfriend you find them attractive. Or better yet, compliment her friends in ways you never complimented her.
As reinforcement, you can look at her girlfriends in her presence. Make it obvious by really turning your head, staring at her girlfriends, then mention how hot 1 of them or all of them are.
Warning this could some times result into a blood bath.
Number 2:
Let yourself go.
Stop caring about your appearance for a while. Become a slob by not shaving, combing your hair or changing your clothes for a few days.
Also, dismiss proper etiquette when around her. Burp and fart to your heart's content, and don't excuse yourself. Pick your nose and wipe it on your shirt. When you go out with her, wear that same shirt.
This will tell her that you no longer care to keep yourself attractive for her. She'll likely be embarrassed to be seen with you and call it quits.
Note, I don’t think I could live with my self after this, also remember all girl’s/ some girls can be very vicious, a few well placed gossips/ rumors about your last few days with her could ruin any chances you had with any of her friends, if you had any in mind.
Number 3:
Be a bad date.
If your girl is the type that likes to go out a lot, don't take her out anymore. Stay at home and watch sports or play video games. For an extra kick, make dates with her but don't show up.
Hang out with your friends instead.You can also become a cheapskate. Don't spend money on her, or buy her little gifts. If you go out, ask her to foot the bill every time.
When your girl sees that she's no longer worth your time and income, she'll get the idea pretty quick.
Then again there are those who come to convince them self’s moneys not everything, a bit of a problem, but that’s what the other options are for.
Number 4:
Become what women "want".
Here's a nice exercise in observing feminine nature. Suddenly become a "nice guy." Be the sensitive, caring man women are always longing for. But this time, overdo it.
Always tell her you love her, say, 10 times a day. Pick her up at work and stay glued to her. Become a pushover and always do as she says, speaking to her in a cute baby voice.If you can do it, cry. Share your "feelings" with her, making up exaggerated yet believable sentiments. Call her every 20 minutes.
In essence, stifle her space with your mushy, intolerable lack of masculinity. She'll be desperate for a real man in no time.
Yet I fell sorry for any man who tries this, it may leave him with mental and emotional scars, just saying.
Number 5:
Bring out the kink.
Sex is a critical part of many relationships, so sabotage it.
Be entirely selfish in bed. Don't wait for her to climax, and don't cuddle with her when you do. Simply have sex with her, get dressed, and evacuate the premises.
A good technique is to ask her to indulge your sexual fantasies. Propose a threesome with another chick. The closer she is to your girlfriend, the better.
However, watch out for the George Costanza effect, where she might actually take you up on it.
Better yet, "reveal" a perverse sexual taste, like dressing up in drag or receiving golden showers. This new side of you will certainly make her wonder if you're the one.
I do not recommend this for people who are below 18 of age, then again I don't recommend this unless your ready to celebrate fathers day, you never know, safe is not always safe, just saying.
Right, so that's all for part 1 folks, till I come up with the other 5 reasons... and don't even think of asking me why I can't come up with another 5 reasons... things like this take time to think about and write, over and out.
Yours Truly,
The Baker
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