Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Song for Your Heart.

Everyday they pass me by,
I can see it in their eyes.
Empty people filled with care,
Headed who knows where?

On they go through private pain,
Living fear to fear.
Laughter hides their silent cries,
Only Jesus hears.

People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
When will we realize, people need the Lord?

We are called to take His light
To a world where wrong seems right.
What could be too great a cost
For sharing Life with one who's lost?

Through His love our hearts can feel
All the grief they bear.
They must hear the Words of Life
Only we can share.

People need the Lord, people need the Lord
At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
When will we realize that we must give our lives,
For peo-ple need the Lord.

People need the Lord.

Truly we need God in our lives, for with him,
anything is possible,
He is our rock and salvation.

The Walking Dead

The walking dead. That's rather how I feel at the moment. Tired, I no longer have the strength to use my brain. 

When will this torture end? 

WORK... that's all this crummy world cares about, what kinda of job you have, how many hours you work a day, how much is you get paid, hell's bell's. 

Anyway, I find it undignified for a grown man to rant as such, but it's sometimes good to get things off your chest.

Ps, dear readers, this POST is and was, purely for rant purposes.

Yours Truly,

The Baker

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Loveless - Prologue

When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end The goddess descends from the sky Wings of light and dark spread afar She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

Loveless - Act I

Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess We seek it thus, and take it to the sky Ripples form on the water's surface The wandering soul knows no rest

Loveless - Act II

There is no hate, only joy For you are beloved by the goddess Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul Pride is lost Wings stripped away, the end is nigh

Loveless - Act III

My friend, do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I? All that awaits you is a somber morrow No matter where the winds may blow My friend, your desire Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess Even if the morrow is barren of promises Nothing shall forestall my return

Loveless - Act IV

My friend, the fates are cruel There are no dreams, no honor remains The arrow has left the bow of the goddess My soul, corrupted by vengeance Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey In my own salvation And your eternal slumber Legend shall speak Of sacrifice at world's end The wind sails over the water's surface Quietly, but surely

Loveless - Act V

Even if the morrow is barren of promises Nothing shall forestall my return To become the dew that quenches the land To spare the sands, the seas, the skies I offer thee this silent sacrifice

This Poem kinda reflects my mood at the moment.

For Those Who Wonder, Wander or Those Lost.

A truly uplifting song reminding us of who we are, reminding us that we are not alone. And that we have a Father in Heaven, that truly cares about us. 

This song is by "Casting Crowns"

Who am I? That the Lord of all the earth, Would care to know my name, Would care to feel my hurt. Who am I? That the bright and morning star, Would choose to light the way, For my ever wondering heart.

Not because of who I am. But because of what you've done. Not because of what I've done. But because of who you are.

Chorus: I am a flower quickly fading, Here today and gone tomorrow. A wave tossed in the ocean, A vapor in the wind. Still you hear me when I'm calling, Lord you catch me when I'm falling, And you told me who I am. I am yours. I am yours.

Who am I? That the eyes that see my sin Would look on me with love And watch me rise again Who am I? That the voice that calm the sea, Would call out through the rain, And calm the storm in me.

Not because of who I am. But because what of you've done. Not because of what I've done. But because of who you are.

Chorus: I am a flower quickly fading, Here today and gone tomorrow. A wave tossed in the ocean, A vapor in the wind. Still you hear me when I'm calling, Lord you catch me when I'm falling, And you told me who I am. I am yours.

Not because of who I am. But because of what you've done. Not because of what I've done. But because of who you are.

Chorus: I am a flower quickly fading, Here today and gone tomorrow. A wave tossed in the ocean, A vapor in the wind. Still you hear me when I'm calling, Lord you catch me when I'm falling, You told me who I am. I am yours. I am yours.

Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I fear? 'Cuz I am yours. I am yours.

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Story For Those Who Are Facing Troubles In Their Life.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life,there is only one set of footprints.I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:
"My son, my precious child,I love you and I would never leave you.During your times of trial and suffering,when you see only one set of footprints,it was then that I carried you.

10 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Dump You (Part 2 no 6~10)

And so here it is what I promised so very long ago, that's right, the one, the only, completion on the How to Make Your Girlfriend Dump You POST. 

(I'd rather there be no hard feelings between me and anyone of the opposite gender who's read this POST, this was all done in the name of fun, and also for the sake of all those desperate men out there) 

I really mean it, after all, I'm such a fun and loving person. 

Anyway enough on hearing me rant, so, on to number 6.

Number 6:

Pick stupid fights. 

Find trivial things that she does and complain about them. A lot. 

Start a bitter argument over why she left the toilet seat down. Place a fork in place of the spoons in your kitchen and accuse her of messing up your living space. 

Be sure to find fault in the things she takes pride in, like her cooking or her political views. Tell her she's wrong about everything.

And if she ever complains about your attitude, tell her she should quit nagging. 

For an extra touch, plug your ears and sing like a third grader. Childish but it works like a charm, trust me women hate guys finding fault with them and nagging them, add childishness to the equation and you get a girl who's ready to blow.

Number 7:

Start the "talk" 

When women are the ones doing the dumping, they mask their actions with long-winded explanations. 

They feel that couching the break-up between lots of words somehow softens the blow. 

Do the same to her. Beat around the bush to the extreme. Say things like, "I'm not sure where this relationship is going," or "I've been thinking about our mutual pursuit of happiness." 

When she asks you why, answer with more ambiguity. She'll get sick of it eventually.

For a quicker variation, tell her you need a break, or that you think you should see other people. 

Since these are things women normally say in breakups, she might seize the initiative from you and close the deal herself. 

If only it were that easy, this works only if she's sick of you as you are of her, wait till you get one that's all devoted to you, I'd like to see you pull it off using this trick.

Number 8:

Compare her to your mother. 

There's nothing that turns women off more than a mama's boy. 

That said, talk about your mother all the time. Quote her, reminisce about her, and consider what your mom would think about every action you contemplate. 

You can even compare your girlfriend to your mother, saying, "That's not what my mom would do." Do the same using ex-girlfriends and you have the ideal recipe. 

Never tried this before, but a friend of mine told me about it, said it works like a charm, tough there's a draw back, yup, in the end you make yourself look like a total pussy.

Number 9:

Utter the f-word.

 If you're the type who loves to risk the loss of life and limb, take a shot at her appearance. That's right: tell her she's fat. 

Don't even wait for her to ask you. Mention it casually like you're talking about the weather. Don't be too blunt, but not too subtle either. 

Things like, "You've gained quite a few pounds, huh?" or "Have we been snacking between meals a bit?" 

Works fine. If you ask me, more often then not, chances of success with this is close to zero, but hey, it's worth a try, like they say no pain no gain, this however works like magic on those sensitive types.

Number 10:

Cheat on her. 

This is the real coup-de-grce ; the end-all and be-all of relationships. 

Get it on with a woman and make sure your girlfriend finds out. It can be at a party or a bar where her friends happen to be. 

For a real thrill, bring a woman over and time it so your girlfriend comes home to catch you in the act. Then just for fun, deny everything.

Hell, if you walk away alive I'd applaud you, this sure as hell ain't gonna be pretty, and I assure you you'd probably come out of this half dead or more dead then alive, don't say I didn't  warn you.

No Happy Ending

Breaking up is hard to do, and sometimes a man just needs a shortcut out, and sometimes you have gotta do, what a man's gotta do. 

Once all this is said and done, give yourself a pat on the back. 

If you managed to get her to do the breaking up, well done. 

(Oh, and if you want to keep a woman and keep her happy, be sure to do the opposite of these 10 tips)

Yours Truly,

The Baker

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lamentations of "Left Behind"

Darn it all, this cannot be, this cannot be my destiny.

After hours of intensive reading and study (more like reading actually, studies, what's studies? Please, I left that behind so very long ago). 

Anyway to sum-up this POST, I just realized that I do not have d complete set of the "Left Behind" series. 

The only consolation is I have watched the movie and it's good, rocks as much as the book. 

So I will make it my newest assignment to track down and procure said books, that's all for this POST,  just felt like lamenting, that's all.

Yours Truly,

The Baker

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Left Behind...

I have decided that it is time, time to add a new post. 

I have been extremely busy of sorts (busy reading if you must know) 

So, my POST for today if about what's been keeping Me busy. 

Quite some time ago, I happened to stumble into a book clearance sale, and as destiny would have it, I walked away with the whole novel set of the "Left Behind Series". 

Needless to say the whole series is extremely captivating, it tells of the earth's last day's, the last seven years on earth, the events take place after the rapture, and talks about those who missed it. 

So I shall POST my views and comments regarding the books once I'm done reading. 

And so, that's all for tonight  folks. 

Yours Truly,

The Baker

Thursday, June 19, 2008

10 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Dump You... (Part 1 no 1~5)

Don't ask me why any sane person would try this, but then again there are many guy's out there desperate to get away from their girlfriend's (I personally think guys resort to this when a relationship has lost its appeal and they want out... don't we all, sometimes that is). 

Warning/A word to the wise, some of these tips can have the opposite effect on a girl who, who for example, likes to "work things out" or treats relationship dysfunctions as personal projects. You have been warned, so on to number 1. 

(BTW, if the person reading this POST happens to be female, no I do not hate the opposite sex, I am very much attracted to the opposite sex, I do not have issues, and in fact I'm right now INVOLVED in a relation ship with a member of the opposite sex... SO THERE...)

Moving on,

Number 1:

Hang out with her girl friends. 

Most women are highly competitive when it comes to men. 

Get her girlfriends involved and it spells real trouble, start spending more time with them, go to their houses and bring them gifts, watch movies together and so on. 

Then tell your girlfriend you find them attractive. Or better yet, compliment her friends in ways you never complimented her.

As reinforcement, you can look at her girlfriends in her presence. Make it obvious by really turning your head, staring at her girlfriends, then mention how hot 1 of them or all of them are. 

Warning this could some times result into a blood bath.

Number 2:

Let yourself go. 

Stop caring about your appearance for a while. Become a slob by not shaving, combing your hair or changing your clothes for a few days. 

Also, dismiss proper etiquette when around her. Burp and fart to your heart's content, and don't excuse yourself. Pick your nose and wipe it on your shirt. When you go out with her, wear that same shirt.

This will tell her that you no longer care to keep yourself attractive for her. She'll likely be embarrassed to be seen with you and call it quits. 

Note, I don’t think I could live with my self after this, also remember all girl’s/ some girls can be very vicious, a few well placed gossips/ rumors about your last few days with her could ruin any chances you had with any of her friends, if you had any in mind.

Number 3:

Be a bad date. 

If your girl is the type that likes to go out a lot, don't take her out anymore. Stay at home and watch sports or play video games. For an extra kick, make dates with her but don't show up. 

Hang out with your friends instead.You can also become a cheapskate. Don't spend money on her, or buy her little gifts. If you go out, ask her to foot the bill every time. 

When your girl sees that she's no longer worth your time and income, she'll get the idea pretty quick. 

Then again there are those who come to convince them self’s moneys not everything, a bit of a problem, but that’s what the other options are for.

Number 4:

Become what women "want". 

Here's a nice exercise in observing feminine nature. Suddenly become a "nice guy." Be the sensitive, caring man women are always longing for. But this time, overdo it. 

Always tell her you love her, say, 10 times a day. Pick her up at work and stay glued to her. Become a pushover and always do as she says, speaking to her in a cute baby voice.If you can do it, cry. Share your "feelings" with her, making up exaggerated yet believable sentiments. Call her every 20 minutes. 

In essence, stifle her space with your mushy, intolerable lack of masculinity. She'll be desperate for a real man in no time. 

Yet I fell sorry for any man who tries this, it may leave him with mental and emotional scars, just saying.

Number 5:

Bring out the kink. 

Sex is a critical part of many relationships, so sabotage it. 

Be entirely selfish in bed. Don't wait for her to climax, and don't cuddle with her when you do. Simply have sex with her, get dressed, and evacuate the premises.

A good technique is to ask her to indulge your sexual fantasies. Propose a threesome with another chick. The closer she is to your girlfriend, the better. 

However, watch out for the George Costanza effect, where she might actually take you up on it. 

Better yet, "reveal" a perverse sexual taste, like dressing up in drag or receiving golden showers. This new side of you will certainly make her wonder if you're the one. 

I do not recommend this for people who are below 18 of age, then again I don't recommend this unless your ready to celebrate fathers day, you never know, safe is not always safe, just saying.

Right, so that's all for part 1 folks, till I come up with the other 5 reasons... and don't even think of asking me why I can't come up with another 5 reasons... things like this take time to think about and write, over and out.

Yours Truly,
The Baker

New Beginnings, Yet Why Do I Still Feel So Bored?

In the beginning there was a bored baker, and that bored baker was ME. 

Having nothing better to do, I decided to start a BLOG, even if it went against my morals and principles (as if I have any). 

Anyway after wondering for a long time on what to write, I have decided to give whosoever is reading this BLOG free advise, and again I stress FREE, I would love to charge but to bad. 

Anyway as I started my BLOG a lil while ago (Yesterday actually), the story of my life will have to wait 4 another day. 

I did however, just spend (waste) a day writing about what a guy can do to get himself dumped... (Seriously I did) read on and find out more in my next POST...

Yours Truly,
The Baker

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Beginnings

It is finished,  I have finally done it,  at long last,  now I can finally have a more productive way to spend my free time. 

YES A BLOG! One question remains, how long will it be till I give up on this BLOG and move on with my life in search of some thing better to do? 

And so finding that I cannot come up with an answer to my own question, I have decided to call it a night, after all, the sad truth of a bakers life is that he starts work early and finishes late (sad, but so very true) 

And so I take my leave, wondering what tomorrow will bring, to that end only GOD knows what tomorrow holds, and as the saying goes, in HIM shall I trust.

So I shall lay down my pen (I'm not really using a pen mind you, it's just that I have the tendency to turn all my POST into stories) and bid farewell to this world still cloaked in darkness... (Seems that whenever I write a POST during some God forsaken hour it brings out the story teller in me... or so I'd like to think) 

Yours Truly,
  The Baker