Fraser's Hill

This is not what it looks like, I swear, I let Ivan and Haze do this to me on purpose, the strong should not bully the weak.. honest, just being a role-model and setting a good example for kids, tis really is true, BELIEVE ME!!

A game Ivan & I tried out, just to pass the time. First person to get the his passenger pushed of the swing and into the river wins.. ha~ha... fortunately no one was hurt... not really

Dam~Dam~Dam~De~De~Dam~De~De~Dam... trying to make it sound like the intro to LOTR
Anyway, here's a rather confusing pic, two people, dressed exactly alike, striking the same pose... what could it BE? A LOVERS QUARREL?? OR A CONFESSION OF LOVE???
The Hot-Spring
And next we have the happenings at the hot spring, as I said in the previous post, nothing much happened here, just us chilling out and having ourselves a good time.

So that's all folks, hope you enjoyed this post. Also if you wanna do the same thing we did, it's pretty doable.
If you have any questions on how much or what's the best time, I think you should figure that one out yourselves.